The Fight for Sustainability.. for a People.. for the Environment

Every day for the past week, Nigerians in various parts of the nation and the diaspora- young, old, rich, poor, learned and unlearned have risen up with one voice. That one peaceful voice of the masses is calling for the end to a system which ordinarily implemented to serve and protect the lives of all, both citizen and foreigner alike have for many years been a terror, a menace, a killer of hopes and dreams, a jailer of freedom.

Nigerians walking the streets, home and abroad.

The average Nigerian lives with an underlying dread for any encounter or interaction with the men and women of its security forces. Young men and women are harassed daily for their choice of hairstyle, dress, electronic device and automobile; victims of crimes or injustices are further victimized by the people who are tasked to uphold truth and justice and innocent people are carted away in wanton raids, imprisoned and even executed for not having enough money to "bail" themselves. Yet, no one gets punished, no reforms are thoroughly implemented and the families of the affected continue to writhe in deep pain and loss.

On 7th October 2020, the Nigerian people, who had long been held down by oppression and flagrant impunity, slowly stood up, dusted what was left to cover her nakedness, held herself - one person to another, opened her cracked lips parched from years of thirsting for justice and fairness and called out to the self-proclaimed gods of the land asking for her children to be set free!

Free to live off the magnificent wealth of her land!

Free to build empires and dynasties!

Free to enjoy exotic cars and mansions!

Free to travel!

Free to love life!

Free from FEAR!

The best part about this awakening is that the fight for the protection of Mother Earth was not left out! All over the country, volunteers can be seen cleaning up materials discarded after the protesters, making sure that health and safety are preserved as much as humanly possible with their very limited resources. What a time to be alive! And Nigerian!

#EndSARS protesters working for the environment while fighting for their country.

Ever since I saw those pictures of service to the community, I have been overwhelmed with tears of joy and certain peace that there is still light at the end of the tunnel. Their selfless actions call to mind the process of creating the diamond- the pressure involved is so intense that it would split a rock into pieces like crackers. But for the diamond, it is the catalyst for greatness. We may have been pushed, prodded and poked raw but deep down, we know what is honourable and will do everything to protect ourselves and our environment. This is a call for all of us to pull our own weight in our various fields, shining bright like the diamonds we are, to ensure the peaceful yet positive restructuring of our dear country, Nigeria. 

Arise O Compatriots!

Nigeria's call obey!

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!


A very proud Nigerian


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