
Showing posts with the label bacteria

Plastic-eating Bacteria - The Future of Recycling.

A win for managing plastic pollution! Cheers to a cleaner environment! The picture above was posted in a LinkedIn group I belong to, and I was so excited that I quickly shared it on all my social media. Going through the comments (I always do that for posts I find interesting enough to seek out other people's reactions), I find that not only is this a tad old (2018 is old school, yes?) but a team of researchers had earlier published findings on another plastic-eating enzyme in 2016! This was news not only to me but also to a significant number of commenters on that post. A quick internet search and all I could think was “I must have been hidden under some type of cloud” because it turns out that for many decades, biologists have known that enzymes that break down PET and nylon exist; from as basic as the esterases that are discarded by microbes and fungi. In a way, Darwin’s laws affirm the fact that microorganisms readily evolve to match the conditions around them, and in this case